how about a gear ratio chart that's easy to work out? I have ratios that are not on the charts on this forum, would be good to know how to work out the ratios in easy terms 
Thanks for the comment Rob.
I assume you know that there are a few spreadsheets on here already, somewhere 
I can add more gear sets to them, but then they will just get more complicated and hence more confusing.... so really not sure about this one, spreadsheets can be confusing if you're not familiar with using them.
hi franco,
yes, saw the spread sheets, just curious to know where the gears I have fit on the sheets, I noticed theres a 27/36 but cant find metal gears for that, only the "plastic type" I have the 26/37 23/26, also just received the blackbone 24/39 gears, its great to see what difference the ratios make, im assuming some of the ratios are not worth putting on the spreadsheat because the engine/motor would never turn it, eg 39/24 30/19, shame theres not just a formula available that you can just put in the size of gears and it automatically converts to a ratio,

I googled "how to work out gear ratios, I was confused with 2 gears let alone 4,