First and foremost, i'd like thank you all for taking the time to post your opinions here regarding this subject... this is what forums are about people communicating

The thing with most forums is that unfortunately the 'For Sale' and 'Wanted' sections are the main drawcard for posting traffic, without it you have a slow forum... and this is something that i would like to work on this year. Things like Facebook is killing off too many of these forums, i personally would like to do my best to keep this one going strong.
I think the idea of the feedback system would be a good thing to look at adding, there is such a system included with this forum software and i will look at setting it up. Although it is a good system, i'm pretty sure that it is not like eBay where you only get one feedback per sale/purchase.... so this could be rigged by members abusing the system. But, still i think we would be better off with it than without.
I agree with Steve's post about minimum of 3 posts, and posting in the 'New members & Visitors' section.... this should be mandatory before posting a for sale topic. But, also... no phone numbers or email addresses to be listed it the text.
The eBay link posting can stay, this was an old rule from the previous Admins so i don't really see the point of it... except to say no bidding to be allowed here. As i said earlier, perhaps a 'Good Deals on eBay??' topic, so anyone that sees something of interest can post it up for other so look at... or even comment on, is it really a good deal?
I think lastly, on the pictures thing... i totally agree that current photos must be used. I hate it how some will post a picture they downloaded off the internet.... i mean, example a used pipe is a used pipe, so don't post up a picture of a brand new one. We all have camera phones and Photobucket, so no excuses.
OK thanks again, and let me know if i've missed anything
